We approach the Market at the end of 2001, on the eve of the arrival of the Euro into our lives.
An age of great technological transformations and important cultural changes has begun, thanks to the entry of 27 countries into the European Union and 19 into the monetary one.
These two crucial choices of European citizens have laid the foundations for an ambitious and engaging project of peace and prosperity to which we strongly wish to be able to provide our daily contribution.
Exactly for this reason, we have always remained true to our personal vision of the world, without losing sight of our principles and objectives.

We have developed competences that allow us to work with all kind of tourist groups, from school trips in Italy and abroad, to corporate events. We are known as a serious and reliable partner for private companies and public institutions.

Over time, we formed a cohesive and harmonious team, thanks to the progressive entry of young, capable and motivated people. We speak English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian and we are ready for any sort of request.


> Tommaso Ancona

dal 2001 - CEO

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> Giulia Campigli 

dal 2006 - Sales

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> Silvia Proto

dal 2009 - Accounting

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> Vanity Greco

dal 2015 - Sales

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> Michela Ciottoli

dal 2019 - Sales

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> Federica Stefanelli

dal 2023 - Sales

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